
The statements of the former player and captain of the Nerazzurri team on the eve of the Monza match.

"Inter Milan looks like an armour. But the other teams have strengthened, they did everything in a major transfer market. 

Inter Milan have been good at keeping the hard core, all their best players. 

Then we have seen in the last few years that who wins the championship the following year has made a little effort. You see Milan, you see Napoli, so Inter Milan will have to be very careful".
The former captain of the Italian national team and Inter Milan, Giuseppe Bergomi, said during the party in Piazza Duomo in Milan for the 80 years of C.S.I. (Italian Sports Centre).
"Inter Milan remain the favourite because those with the Scudetto on their chest have to defend them. But nobody gives you anything, nothing is taken for granted.
If they can’t have their stomachs full but continue to have the same ferocity as they did last year, they can win," he added.
About the national team, which won against France and Israel, Bergomi revealed that he was not surprised: "This summer we looked dead and now we win against France. I also then said that the national team was not that.
We are always able to bring out a competitive national team, then last summer something went wrong: definitely in the choice of players, in how to play them, in getting into their head psychologically, in giving them too much knowledge. 

frattesi with italian national team
frattesi in Italian national team

These guys probably got into some trouble. But we weren’t them. Now with a classic 3-5-2 we are there, we play it against France, make our good impression. 

We may not always win, but we are always competitive" concludes Giuseppe Bergomi.
Source: Ansa


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