
Dumfries is about to renew with Inter Milan. The Dutch defender and the Nerazzurri club have now reached a deal.

Matteo Barzaghi, Italian reporter from Sky Sport, has provided important updates.

The Dutchman, who was still on goal yesterday with the national team, will be in Milan today and will formalize his new deal with Inter Milan.
The long "soap opera" is now close to the last chapter. 

Denzel Dumfries was convinced to bond further with Inter Milan, extending the contract that is currently expiring in 2025. 


The Dutchman, after look around for any other offers from different clubs through his entourage, is ready to sign the new agreement that will provide for an adjustment up to about 4 million euros (£3.3 million) net.
The weight on the club’s coffers will be relative, about 5.2 million euros (£4.4 million) gross, considering the benefits of the Growth Decree (It's a financial incentive allowing clubs to save 50 percent on taxes for wages of players who come in from abroad). 

Today Dumfries will be back in Milan after the commitments with the national team, and very soon will come the time of the signing. 

As reported by Fcinter1908.it, in the new contract should also be a termination clause to exercise eventually to take him away from Inter Milan.

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