
One of the cases without solution, for now, in the summer transfer market of Inter Milan concerns Ionut Radu, a goalkeeper class '97 raised in the youth club Nerazzurri but destined to leave permanently, after numerous loans gone to naught, Inter Milan which he is still have a contract until 2025. 

ionut radu

After mid-August it seemed that the native of Bucharest could move to Sassuolo, with which Inter Milan had reached an agreement for a transfer in the final title with 30% of the proceeds from a future sale. 

The goalkeeper would sign for two years with third year automatic in case of promotion to Serie A. 

All done? Not really, because a well-underway operation has been blocked by Radu, who is not convinced that he should play for the starting position.

Ten days later, however, Radu himself, tried to reconnect with the neroverdi but in the meantime they were now on the table with Atletico Madrid for compatriot Horatju Moldovan and for the goalkeeper of Inter Milan there were no more conditions to go play in Emilia.

After the transfer to Sassuolo was skipped, agent Oscar Damiani knocked on the door of Sampdoria, which had already expressed its appreciation for Radu until some time before. 

By the way, the sporting director Pietro Accardi would have wanted him also in Empoli and consequently total openness for his return to Genoa after the experience of a few years before with Genoa. 

At that point, however, to change the cards on the table was the coach Andrea Sottil, who asked for a more experienced goalkeeper and already known as Marco Silvestri. 
What about now? There is talk of a possible return to Romania, Greece, Turkey, but nothing concrete and it is likely that Radu will stay at Inter Milan until January when the transfer market will reopen, unless something emerges in the meantime.

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