
Against Lecce, Darmian played a great game and not only for the goal. At the moment he is winning the run-off against Dumfries.

Italian newspaper La Gazzetta dello Sport dedicate an article about the importance of Darmian in the board of Inzaghi.

"Darmian was a promising central player, a talented wingback. Now he enjoys to be outside position. The footballer who never loses his temper.

He does not catch the eye, he doesn’t take the scene, but there is. And on Saturday he scored against Lecce with a precise header. 

In 2020, he chose Inter Milan after starting in Parma

Tardini had welcomed him after two shady seasons in Manchester United. He started running quietly, with his head down, earnin Inter Milan

Antonio Conte always considered him a second choice, while Inzaghi made him do a little bit of everything, from the wingback to the outside. 

The keyword that suits him best is: everywhere", continues Rosea.
Darmian managed to make his mark in every context and against Lecce he played a great game also confirmed by the numbers: 51 balls played, 6 matches won and a decisive goal. 

"This year, like last season, it will be played with Dumfries. 

The Dutchman seemed to have a lead on starting against Lecce, but in the end Darmian get the upper hand. 

"Internal competition is healthy, it leads everyone to give their best. We are Inter Milan. Winning is never easy, we know that, but repeating yourself is hard" said Darmian.

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