
Inter Milan prepares for a busy week: Monza on Sunday evening, then the transfer to Manchester with Manchester City and next Sunday the derby.

On the eve of the most important week of this first glimpse of the season. 

Inzaghi’s Inter Milan is already playing in the Sunday night derby in Monza. 

Then on Wednesday, they will make their debut in the Champions League and then in a derby with Milan.
Given the summer transfer market that has enlarged, completed and raised the level of the Nerazzurri squad, Inzaghi could make massive turnover. 

There are 7 players in Monza who hope for a starting jersey:

Dumfries, Frattesi, Zielinski, Asllani, De Vrij, Taremi and Carlos Augusto. 

Knowing Inzaghi’s allergy to turnover will not be all of them on the pitch from Monza, but for the first time since former Lazio sit on the bench of Inter Milan, Sunday night there could be a small big changes in the management of the team.
The group is very full, only absent Buchanan. 


People like Zielinski, arrived from Naples in the summer, has not yet been played, Frattesi, after the goals with Italian national team, he is waiting for the space he deserves. Changes planned in all departments.
Probable rest day or even a part of the match for the untouchables Mkhitaryan, Calhanoglu and Lautaro. 

The latest arrival, Palacios, will also be called.

La Gazzetta dello Sport focuses on stadium numbers all over Europe
Palacios will have the opportunity to show his qualities during the Serie A and the Coppa Italia