
A.S.Roma desire Davide Frattesi for the midfield and is ready to offer Cristante and money.

A.S.Roma wants Davide Frattesi for the midfield. 

Inter Milan have no intention of giving up the former Sassuolo midfielder, but the Giallorossi are ready to make an attempt anyway according to the Italian newspaper Repubblica.

"There is an idea that has been buzzing in the heads of Romanistic leaders for a few days: to bring back to the capital Davide Frattesi

From the day of no to Dybala’s Arab offer in the offices of Trigoria they are working hard with creativity to give Daniele De Rossi the promised reinforcements. 

Therefore the suggestion that leads to the midfielder of Inter Milan. 

The operation is difficult, very. But A.S.Roma is trying.
The player’s rating is high, around 35 million euros (£29.6 million). 

This figure is not even close to the Giallorossi. That’s why in Trigoria they are understanding the feasibility of an exchange with Cristante. 

The idea is: Cristante plus a financial compensation for Frattesi

The Nerazzurri midfielder, despite his excellent start to the season, is not considered a starter by Inzaghi. 

For A.S. Roma, however, it would be the perfect setting to give the midfield of De Rossi that dynamism so sought on the market. 

And Cristante could be the right card to, lower costs and convince Inter Milan to give up the 24-year-old"Repubblica says.

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