
Tiago Tomás Palacios is officially a new player for Inter Milan

Here are his first words, given exclusively to Inter TV:

What was your reaction when you received the call from Inter Milan, and how do you feel today? 

"I was very happy and proud. I’m living a dream right now; all that's left is to train and give my best".

You started as an attacker but now play as a defender. 

How did this positional change happen, and how would you describe yourself as a defender today? 

"I’m a gritty defender who enjoys playing with the ball at my feet. As a child, I started as an attacker, but as I grew and due to my height and technique, I moved to defence. I’m proud of my position and hope to give my best".

Inter Milan has a great tradition of Argentine players, many of whom have made history with the Club. Is there anyone in particular who inspires you? 

"At my age, I look up to Lautaro a lot. Having him as a teammate now is a dream come true".

This is your first experience in Europe, and you’ve signed with the Italian Champions. What are your goals for this season, both personally and collectively? "Personally, I want to gain playing time and enjoy being at this amazing Club. Collectively, I hope to help the team and my teammates, and take Inter Milan as high as possible."

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Inter Woman: Official Teams