
In the second half the coach was forced to replace the two players due to muscle fatigue.
It’s hard to find a negative note after such a strong performance by Inter Milan against Atalanta. 

But looking at the commitments after the break, Inzaghi would like to have all the players available and be free to choose the best team. 

That’s why there is bitterness for the weariness of Bastoni and Calhanoglu.

Two small injuries broke the idyll of yesterday’s night at Inter Milan home. 

Calhanoglu kick the ball

The italian newspaper La Gazzetta dello Sport also talks about it: "Both Bastoni and Calhanoglu were replaced in the second half due to two muscular strains. 

"Lautaro in National team? It does not worry me, the last 3 days he worked well. 

I’m worried about Bastoni and Calhanoglu, who had two strains: it doesn’t seem to be anything serious, the doctors have reassured me. 

Then we have Barella who will have a nose surgery.

From Tuesday we will start training again with the help of Zanchetta’s Primavera", Inzaghi said yesterday. 

Both Bastoni and Calhanoglu will respond to their National calls, but they may soon return home," reads La Gazzetta dello Sport

They will therefore be updated on their physical condition after the checks in their respective countries. 

Do not filter concern however: they should have stopped in time and therefore be available after the stop.

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